By Goresan Tinia Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016 Bulgarian folk songs Elitsa Stoyneva Rhodope Shope Elitsa Stoyneva, a Young Bulgarian Folk Singer Youth comes but once in a lifetime. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow I had the pleasure of listening to Elitsa Stoyneva at Balkan Music Night in M...
By Goresan Tinia Kamis, 12 Mei 2016 Celebinsko Horo Gergebunarsko Horo Izruchana Dances I Would Like to See Revived “Variety's the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavour.” William Cowper What I find discouraging sometimes during the Friday a...
By Goresan Tinia Senin, 02 Mei 2016 Bosnian folk dance kolo Sarajevka Kolo The "Flavors" of Bosnian Kolo There is something particularly special and personal about the circle and how its curves comfortably rule every aspect of our lives. Kat Lah...
By Goresan Tinia Sabtu, 23 April 2016 croatian kolo Dance songs from Croatia folk ensembles named Dunav tamburitza music The "Flavors" of Croatian Kolo The description of right lines and circles, upon which geometry is founded, belongs to mechanics. Geometry does not teach us to draw these l...
By Goresan Tinia Sabtu, 16 April 2016 Balkan dances that are often confused Kopcheto rachenitsa Vrapceto Balkan Dances that are Often Confused (Part Three) Chaos is a name for any order that produces confusion in our minds. George Santayana Sometimes the subconscious plays some very strange tric...
By Goresan Tinia Rabu, 06 April 2016 dances in compound rhythms Dances in odd rhythms dances that are often confused Jove Malaj Mome Lesnoto Lesnoto Oro Balkan Dances That Are Often Confused (Part Two) I had nothing to offer anybody except for my own confusion. Jack Kerouac A few months ago I wrote a post about confusion regarding Balkan da...
By Goresan Tinia Rabu, 30 Maret 2016 bulgarian folk music Greek Civil War Lyubka Rondova Macedonia Pirin A Tribute to Lyubka Rondova A nation that keeps its millennial history, did not come by chance in this world. Lyubka Rondova Today we celebrate the life and music of Ly...